
Cold weather alert issued by Public Health England

Public Health England (PHE) issues cold weather alert following the arrival of colder weather in some parts of England.

With warnings that cold weather is on the way for the north east, north west and Yorkshire and Humber, PHE is urging people to look out for those most at-risk.

The Met Office has today (18 November 2019) announced that there is a high chance these areas will see temperatures drop between 9am on Monday 18 November and 12 noon on Wednesday 20 November.

Dr Emer OConnell, Consultant in Public Health at Public Health England, said:

Older people and those with heart and lung problems are at risk of getting sick in cold weather.

Keep an eye out for those who may need help staying warm, ensure they wear lots of thin layers and have everything they need.

Below 18 degrees, changes to the body mean that the risk of strokes, heart attacks and chest infections increase so heating homes to this temperature is particularly important to stay well.

Met Office Chief Meteorologist, Steve Ramsdale, said:

After a very wet period for parts of the UK the weather is now turning much quieter for a few days.

With these quieter conditions night time temperatures will fall away with more widespread frosts than seen recently despite daytime temperatures remaining fairly similar. Tuesday morning in particular looks to be cold across much of England.

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