Increase in COVID-19 cases in Normacot – Further testing dates added.
There has been an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Normacot with 45 positive cases since the 5th August 2020.
Councillor Sadaqat Maqsoom (Lightwood North and Normacot) would like to thank the people of Normacot for their hard work so far, and ask that you continue to follow the advice and get tested so we can reduce transmissions and ensure the community stays safe.
If you live in Normacot and have received a letter last week asking you to get a test and you have NOT done so, Stoke on Trent Council along with the NHS are putting in place a local testing session at the Alexandra Infants School tomorrow Thursday 20th August between 10am and 3pm. No booking is needed.
Address – Alexandra Infants’ School, Melville Road, Normacot, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4PZ